Mandriva 1274 Published by posted 6 things to do after installing OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0

OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0 is the first stable release of OpenMandriva, a Linux desktop distribution that is a community-continuation of what used to be Mandriva Desktop.

It’s just one more item in the list of distributions derived from Mandriva. The others are Mageia, ROSA Desktop and PCLinuxOS.

In this article, I’ll run through a short list of things to do after installing it on your desktop. Since all the tasks will require access to OpenMandriva’s Control Center, launch it by clicking on the “Configure Your Computer” icon on the Welcome tab of SimpleWelcome, the distribution’s fullscreen app launcher. The main interface of the application is shown in this screen shot.
  6 things to do after installing OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0