Ubuntu 6614 Published by

makeuseoff.com posted a guide about installing Photoshop CS5 on Ubuntu 10.04

A few weeks ago, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a spare partition. I’d dabbled with Linux before, mainly through a Knoppix Live CD many moons ago but working at MakeUseOf, it’s often hard to ignore some of the great articles aimed at Linux users and these ultimately made Ubuntu quite an attractive proposition. That, and I could install it through Windows, reboot and enjoy!

One thing I that constantly had me rebooting into Windows was the lack of Photoshop. As a photographer and MakeUseOf staff writer I use this program pretty much daily, and I can tell you now I’m not much of a fan of The GIMP – or GIMPShop. We just don’t get on.
  An Idiots Guide to Installing Photoshop CS5 on Ubuntu 10.04