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A new version of AppMan has been released. AppMan is a bash script capable of installing, updating, and uninstalling thousands of AppImage packages.

AppMan 4.3.2

"AppMan" is a bash script able to install, update and remove thousands of standalone programs (any AppImage package, but also the official versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Brave, Blender and hundreds of other programs provided on their official sites).

Since the new 4.0.0 version, AppMan is also portable, ie it does not need a speciphic path to work, you can use it anywhere on your system.

"AppMan" is based on the previous stable version of  "AM" Application Manager and converts all the installation scripts from the main database of "AM" to scripts that can install and integrate all the programs for the current user only and without root privileges. As opposed to "AM", AppMan installs all the programs locally, in the user's $HOME.

Being "AppMan" a bash-based script, it can be used on all the architectures supported by the Linux kernel and works with all the GNU/Linux distributions.

New in 4.3.2:

AppMan 4.3.2 Removed xterm from dependencies (replaced with less -E).


Release 4.3.2 · ivan-hc/AppMan