KDE 1561 Published by

A beta version of Kile 1.7 has been released

As of now the first public beta release of Kile, an Integrated LaTeX Environment for KDE, is available for download

Kile-1.7 requires KDE 3.2 or newer.

This test release offers many new features, in particular the following should be tested (full Changelog can be found below):
- new tool system, QuickBuild tool can be configured completely
- it is possible to switch to other TeX systems besides LaTeX
- autocompletion of (La)TeX commands, configurable (Settings->Configure Kile->Complete)
- System Check (Settings->System Check), checks if all (La)TeX tools are available and if Kile is configured correctly. This needs to be checked since people have reported problems with this feature.
- Detailed clickable error summary.

Several others have worked on this release, in particular I would like to mention Holger Danielsson and Simon Martin, who both put a lot of effort into Kile.
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