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An usermode bugfix update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux 9 LTS to address an upgrade issue when upgrading from Debian 7.

BUGFIX: DLA 2744-1: usermode upgrade issues

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Debian LTS Advisory DLA-2744-1 Utkarsh Gupta
August 16, 2021
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Package : usermode
Version : 1.109-1+deb9u1
Debian Bug : 991808

This update is merely a rebuild of the usermode package, which are
a set of graphical tools for certain user account management tasks,
fixing two issues:

a) the versioning issue as wheezy (Debian 7) had a greater version
than jessie (Debian 8) and stretch (Debian 9), thereby causing
upgrade issues.
b) the package now Depends and Build-Depends on the newer
libuser1-dev (>= 1:0.62~dfsg-0.1) to ensure the latest
version of libuser is used (which was a security fix).

For Debian 9 stretch, this problem has been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your usermode packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: