Gentoo 2518 Published by

Alexander Tratsevskiy has announced the release of Calculate Linux 13.11, a new version of the project's Gentoo-based distribution for desktops

From DistroWatch:
We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 13.11. Calculate Linux Desktop, featuring either the KDE (CLD) or the Xfce (CLDX) environment, Calculate Directory Server (CDS), Calculate Media Center (CMC), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS), Calculate Scratch Server (CSS) are all available for download. Major changes: better domain performance; graphical interfaces do not hang when the network in the domain is down; if LDAP remains unresponsive for some time, the connection will be recovered with user privileges; waiting for the LDAP server when unlocking a domain user's session; applications are now running faster thanks to LDAP caching....

  Calculate Linux 13.11 released