A new version of Centmin is available. Centmin is a script designed to install Nginx, MySQL, PHP and a DNS server for a low-memory environment on CentOS.
Centmin is a bash script developed for use on CentOS 5.Centmin 1.2.0 released
It is designed to provide a fully functional NMP plus DNS stack - using minimal resources.
BTCentral Centmin features:
- Updates any pre-installed software (via Yum)
- Secures /tmp (and /var/tmp) directories
- Installs development tools needed for compilation of Nginx and NSD
- Sets server to use your local timezone
- Installs Nginx, MySQL, PHP 5.3.6 (with FPM)
- Installs NSD (DNS Server - a low-memory alternative to BIND)
- Installs NTP (Other than on OpenVZ VPS)
- Installs Sendmail (enables PHP to use the mail function)
- Optional: Installs Alternative PHP Cache, XCache, Siege, MariaDB, ConfigServer Firewall