CentOS 5533 Published by

Eva2000 has released a new version of his Centmin mod. Centmin is an installer for a lightweight CentOS server installation with Nginx, PHP, and MariaDB.

Nginx install script for CentOS servers by BTCentral has been updated and released incorporating alot of my modifications which were made to Centmin v1.1.0 base here. I’ve updated my modifications to use Centmin v1.2.0 and higher as a base. Centmin v1.2.0 has fixed my modifications to work with both CentOS 32bit and 64bit servers.

Change log:

v1.2.2-eva2000.04 – 18/10/2011
Updated Nginx from v1.1.5 to v1.1.6
Updated libevent from v2.0.14 stable to v2.0.15 stable
Updated Nginx vhost and template with SSI option you can enable via uncommenting
Updated checks for CentOS 5.7 for php configuration and mcrypt support
Fixed possible openssl update conflict with previous version of openssl
  Centmin v1.2.2-eva2000.04 released