CentOS 5534 Published by

The following CentOS 4 updates have been uploaded and are currently syncing to the mirrors:

CESA-2008:0529 Moderate CentOS 4 i386 net-snmp - security update
CESA-2008:0529 Moderate CentOS 4 x86_64 net-snmp - security update
CESA-2008:0522 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 perl - security update
CESA-2008:0522 Important CentOS 4 i386 perl - security update
CESA-2008:0503 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 xorg-x11 - security update
CESA-2008:0503 Important CentOS 4 i386 xorg-x11 - security update
CESA-2008:0538 Important CentOS 4 i386 openoffice.org - securi ty update
CESA-2008:0538 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 openoffice.org - security update
CESA-2008:0537 Important CentOS 4 i386 openoffice.org2 - security update
CESA-2008:0537 Important CentOS 4 x86_64 openoffice.org2 - security update