Security 10816 Published by

ConfigServer has released new versions of their CSF firewall for Linux servers.

New csf v13.09


Due to MaxMind changing their free download policy to require signup and a license key, a new option MUST be configured to continue to use Country Code lookups (CC_LOOKUPS). The option MM_LICENSE_KEY must be set to the key obtained from the MaxMind site. See:

Note: Existing installations will continue to use downloaded d/b’s from before the MaxMind change, though may be cleared after CC_INTERVAL
Changed CC_LOOKUPS option 4 from to as the former no longer exists
Fixed System Stats graphs not displaying on CyberPanel
Updated csf control panel reporting in version display

New csf v13.09 | ConfigServer Services Blog

New csf v13.10


Removed hard-coded date from MaxMind ASN url

New csf v13.10 | ConfigServer Services Blog