Security 10816 Published by

CSF 6.01 has been released


- Ensure all binaries are called with their full paths for the scheduled Server Security Check reports
- Allow csf -u/-uf/--update and -c/--check when csf is disabled
- Make RT_* checks IPv6 compatible
- Added dns query caching for ip lookups during lfd process lifetime
- Modify TOR rule loading to use FASTSTART in lfd if enabled
- Added iptables locking to FASTSTART code
- LF_INTERVAL now defaults to 3600 on new installations to better cope with slow brute force login attempts
- Removed references to being ignored from the changelog as they no longer apply and could cause confusion
- Fix csf.rignore loader regex causing unnecessary DNS lookups if file has no entries
- Added "DEFERRED" login failure checking to CPANEL_LOG regex
  CSF 6.01 released