Software 43037 Published by

Joshua Ashton has announced a new version of D9VK, a Vulkan-based DirectX 9 translation layer for WINE based on DXVK

A smaller bug fixy release (frogs eat bugs) with some important performance improvements.

Implemented Set/GetSoftwareVertexProcessing
Worked around a game bug in The Sims 2 where it would try to render shadows to a A8 texture and completely mess everything up

Bug Fixes

Fixed a regression where full constant uploads were happening all the time
Fixed some games complaining about drivers being too old to run
Return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL when trying to create textures with unsupported formats


Please do not use wine's d3d9x or d3dcompiler with d9vk. They make invalid API calls and generate bad shaders. I cannot stress this enough.

If you are compiling with MinGW, please use the dwarf2 exception patch to improve performance.

ドイツ人 (doitsujin): for creating the base of the project, DXVK
Rhedox and CME: for helping with debugging
VKx and Frog Family Discords: for helping with testing

Thank you and Enjoy!