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Marcus Thiesen has published a review on the new Debian Sarge installer

The main reason for me writing this text is that I tried the new Debian Installer Beta today and was quite pleased. It is a good way to set up my favourite distibution. Nontheless I stumbled over a few usability things and thought that it might be a good idea to write a walkthrough from another point of view: Bob User

Bob is the guy most of us target at in order to get him to "switch". The "Windows Power User" which knows Windows from the beginning, knows how to keep his system clear and safe. He is quite unhappy with Windows for the obvious reasons. But he is used to the "reboot-solution" and doing everything without a manual, not even really knowing what is going on.

Bob heard some of his geek friends talk about something like Debian, which has a rich repository of easy to install software, can be bleeding edge if he wants and has all the other features of a common Linux like stability, safety, reliability and freedom.

He had a look at this Knoppix thing and found it quite impressive, now he wants to do more, he wants to install Debian...
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