KDE 1576 Published by

digikam 0.9.0-rc2 and digikamimageplugins 0.9.0-rc2 has been released:

Announcing the second release candidate of digiKam 0.9.0 and digiKamimageplugins 0.9.0.

The 0.9 series has been under heavy development since November 2005. After having released three beta version and a first release candidate, we are now entering the last phase of fixing critical bugs and testing.

The source for digikam and digikamimageplugins 0.9.0-rc2 is available from:


Features in digikam 0.9-rc2


New features and bug fixes since beta3

115125 : White Balance tool: remaining endianess issue on PowerPC.
137495 : showfoto crashes when doing any modification to a loaded directory.
137845 : Album Header cut off (squeezed) when entering two or more lines in
Album comment.
137886 : When a tag is moved in the left panel it's position is not updated
in the right panel.
135834 : Lowercasing camera filenames only works for first imported file.
134391 : digiKam camera gui dialog crashes if there is a filename without
131947 : digiKam complains about invalid ICC profiles path.
130176 : Typos in digiKam.po and one plugin.
138252 : Display is not updates when switching color managed view on/off.
138253 : Keyboard shortcut for turning color managed display on/off.

Digikam Movie Tour

There are four demonstration videos (Flash format) available highlighting some of the new features.

How to import a RAW file in 16 bits color depth into digiKam image editor using Color Management:

On the usage of the camera interface and how to add IPTC information to an image file:

On the new fast RAW file preview mode, the use of color profiles, image plugins supporting 16 bit and user interface improvements for all image plugins:

How to use the black and white converter and the add border image plugin, again demonstrating user interface improvements and full 16 bit support:

How to help us

This release is a beta release, which means that we ask users to test this version of digiKam and report bugs. If you have found a bug, please report it to the bug tracking system at bugs.kde.org. In a first step, confirm that there is not already a bug report for your problem. A list of open bug reports for digikam can be found at


and for digikamimageplugins at


General information on digikam and digikamimageplugins

digiKam is a digital photo management application for KDE, focussed on importing, organizing and editing digital photos, aimed at all types of users.

digiKam imageplugins enhance digiKam's image editor with more than 2 dozen plugins that make correcting your photos easier.

WWW: www.digikam.org
IRC: irc.freenode.net - #digikam
MAIL: digikam-users@kde.org digikam-devel@kde.org

The digiKam team