Debian 10353 Published by

The Debian Security Team has updated their PGP/GPG key

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2548-1 Nico Golde
September 13, 2012
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This is a notice to inform you, that our previous PGP/GPG key expired.
The fingerprint of the *old* key is:
2764 4A76 61FD 9614 BCD6 844F 370E 2BFC 68B6 4E0D

The *new* key fingerprint is:
BACB 4B5C 30AC 38F3 19EE 961E 2702 CAEB 90F8 EEC5

Please use the new key from now on for encrypted communication with the
Debian Security Team. Please obtain the new key from a keyserver, e.g.,

Our website will be updated shortly to reflect this change.

Further information is available at
  DSA 2548-1: Debian Security Team PGP/GPG key change notice