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A tomcat6 security update has been released for Debian

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2725-1 Moritz Muehlenhoff
July 18, 2013
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Package : tomcat6
Vulnerability : several
Problem type : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2012-3544 CVE-2013-2067

Two security issues have been found in the Tomcat servlet and JSP engine:


The input filter for chunked transfer encodings could trigger high
resource consumption through malformed CRLF sequences, resulting in
denial of service.


The FormAuthenticator module was vulnerable to session fixation.

For the oldstable distribution (squeeze), these problems have been fixed in
version 6.0.35-1+squeeze3. This update also provides fixes for
CVE-2012-2733,CVE-2012-3546,CVE-2012-4431, CVE-2012-4534,CVE-2012-5885,
CVE-2012-5886 and CVE-2012-5887, which were all fixed for stable already.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in
version 6.0.35-6+deb7u1.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you upgrade your tomcat6 packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:
  DSA 2725-1: tomcat6 security update