GNOME 3622 Published by

duty-roaster-0.0.81 has been released:

Duty Roaster is a program for managing and generating duty rotas in a userfriendly way licenced under the GPL. You can obtain it from


- Fixed a bug which caused the program to terminate when assigning an external shifts which intersects two different days.

- Fixed a bug which caused the program to terminate if the user tries to open the 'Shift preferneces window', if a shift has been defined after there are allready some workers.

- Fixed a bug in the 'Requirements window' which caused the program to terminate under certain conditions.


- If you want to experiment with translations, watch out for
~/lang.txt if you are working under linux
PROGRAMM_PATH\lang.txt if you are working under win32.
Open lang.txt with a text editor, add your translations and restart
the program. Open Misc->(Translation Log) to check if your
modifications were accepted. Make sure that the files are encoded as
UTF-8, rather than ASCII, ISO-8859, or others.

- A gentoo ebuild for the new version will be available soon on the
project's homepage on sourceforge.


- gtkmm-2.6.2 [] or higher. 2.4.x will not work !

- boost-1.32.0 [] with thread support enabled
(gentoo users should emerge boost with the 'threads' useflag).

- sqlite-3.2.x [].

Planned for 0.0.90:

- Make it possible to enter negative payed values for extraordinary

- Overhours on public holidays should be treated differently.

- The user should be able to modify payed durations of allready
assignid shifts manually.


- My brother Joseph Lehner for implementig the export to html function
and the translation module.

- BALANCE [], an association for physically
handicappedd people for funding this project.

- All the others from the open source community for their great work
which made this project possible.