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Philip Rebohle has announced a new version of DXVK, a Vulkan-based translation layer for Direct3D which allows running 3D applications on Linux using Wine.

DXVK 1.9.4

This is a small maintenance release in preparation for upcoming Proton versions.

Bug fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an issue that would cause VRAM to not be utilized on RBAR-enabled Nvidia GPUs if the dxvk.shrinkNvidiaHvvHeapoption is enabled ( #2438).
  • Enabled strict D3D9 float emulation by default on future versions of RADV. This may improve both accuracy and GPU-bound performance (PR  #2448)..
  • Improved memory allocation behaviour. This may reduce memory usage especially in games that create multiple processes or D3D devices.
  • Removed obsolete options to disable OpenVR support.
  • God of War: Enabled performance optimizations and DLSS support. Note that these changes are already included in Proton Experimental.

Release Version 1.9.4 · doitsujin/dxvk