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A netty security update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux 7 Extended LTS.

ELA-214-1 netty security update

Package netty
Version 3.2.6.Final-2+deb7u2
Related CVE CVE-2019-20444 CVE-2019-20445 CVE-2020-7238

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the HTTP server provided by Netty, a Java NIO client/server socket framework:

CVE-2019-20444 allows an HTTP header that lacks a colon, which might be interpreted as a separate header with an incorrect syntax, or might be interpreted as an “invalid fold.”

CVE-2019-20445 allows a Content-Length header to be accompanied by a second Content-Length header, or by a Transfer-Encoding header.

Netty allows HTTP Request Smuggling because it mishandles Transfer-Encoding whitespace (such as a [space]Transfer-Encoding:chunked line) and a later Content-Length header.

For Debian 7 Wheezy, these problems have been fixed in version 3.2.6.Final-2+deb7u2.

We recommend that you upgrade your netty packages.

Further information about Extended LTS security advisories can be found at: