Debian 10364 Published by

A strongswan security update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux 8 Extended LTS to address a bug in the EAP authentication client code that may allow to bypass the client and in
some scenarios even the server authentication, or could lead to a denial-of-service attack.

ELA-641-1 strongswan security update

Package strongswan
Version 5.2.1-6+deb8u9 (jessie)
Related CVEs CVE-2021-41991 CVE-2021-45079

Zhuowei Zhang discovered a bug in the EAP authentication client code of
strongSwan, an IKE/IPsec suite, that may allow to bypass the client and in
some scenarios even the server authentication, or could lead to a
denial-of-service attack.


Researchers at the United States of America National Security Agency (NSA)
identified a denial of service vulnerability in strongSwan.
Once the in-memory certificate cache is full it tries to randomly replace
lesser used entries. Depending on the generated random value, this could
lead to an integer overflow that results in a double-dereference and a call
using out-of-bounds memory that most likely leads to a segmentation fault.
Remote code execution can't be ruled out completely, but attackers have no
control over the dereferenced memory, so it seems unlikely at this point.
For Debian 8 jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 5.2.1-6+deb8u9.

We recommend that you upgrade your strongswan packages.

Further information about Extended LTS security advisories can be found at:

  ELA-641-1 strongswan security update