Debian 10343 Published by

A libxml2 security update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux 8 and 9 Extended LTS to address vulnerabilities related to integer overflows and memory corruption.

ELA-721-1 libxml2 security update

Package : libxml2
Version : 2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u14 (jessie), 2.9.4+dfsg1-2.2+deb9u9 (stretch)

Related CVEs :

It was discovered that libxml2, the GNOME XML library, was vulnerable to
integer overflows and memory corruption.

Parsing a XML document with the XML_PARSE_HUGE option enabled can result
in an integer overflow because safety checks were missing in some
functions. Also, the xmlParseEntityValue function did not have any length

When a reference cycle is detected in the XML entity cleanup function the
XML entity data can be stored in a dictionary. In this case, the
dictionary becomes corrupted resulting in logic errors, including memory
errors like double free.

  ELA-721-1 libxml2 security update