Debian 10264 Published by

A linux-4.19 security update has been released for Debian GNU/Linux 8 and 9 Extended LTS to provide updated CPU microcode.

ELA-948-1 linux-4.19 security update

Package : linux-4.19
Version : 4.19.289-2~deb8u1 (jessie), 4.19.289-2~deb9u1 (stretch)

Related CVEs :

Daniel Moghimi discovered Gather Data Sampling (GDS), a hardware
vulnerability for Intel CPUs which allows unprivileged speculative
access to data which was previously stored in vector registers.
This mitigation requires updated CPU microcode provided in the
intel-microcode package and released as ELA-935-1.
For details please refer to and

ELA-948-1 linux-4.19 security update