Oracle Linux 6300 Published by

A compat-locales-sap bug fix update has been released for Oracle Linux 8.

ELBA-2023-12852 Oracle Linux 8 compat-locales-sap bug fix update

Oracle Linux Bug Fix Advisory ELBA-2023-12852

The following updated rpms for Oracle Linux 8 have been uploaded to the Unbreakable Linux Network:




Description of changes:

- Remove Obsoletion of compat-locales-sap-common to allow future releases of the package. [Orabug: 35862052]

- Bump release number
- Resolves: rhbz#1639296

- Move all files into the main package and drop compat-locales-sap-common
- Resolves: rhbz#1639296

- Remove SAPSJIS and SAPSJISX0213 gconv modules as there is no
SJIS support on RHEL8

- Include the sources of the locales instead of copying them from glibc

- Fix build for RHEL-8
- Resolves: rhbz#1523696
- add BuildRequires: glibc-locale-source
- fix glibc-cs_CZ@SAP.patch
- fix glibc-cs_CZ@HPUX.patch
- fix glibc-sk_SK@SAP.patch
- fix glibc-tr_TR@SAP.patch
- fix category in glibc-2.5-de_DE and glibc-2.5-es_ES
- add patch for iconv stuff for RHEL-8
- add

- prevent locales being lost on glibc-common update (#1247865)

- add cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2@HPUX (#1255466)

- change ja_JP.SAPSJIS locale from SAP SHIFT_JIS to SAP SHIFT_JISX0213
(Takao Fujiwara, #888856)
- previous ja_JP.SAPSJIS locale is still available as ja_JP.oldsapsjis
- fix install and uninstall scripts to setup the Shift JIS gconv modules
correctly when upgrading

- further fixes to pl_PL.ISO-8859-2@HPUX (#784196)

- add pl_PL.ISO-8859-2@HPUX (#784196)

- fix collation of HPUX locales

- add de_DE.ISO-8859-1@Solaris and en_US.ISO-8859-1@Solaris
(Pravin Satpute, #677352)
- add de_DE.ISO-8859-1@HPUX and en_US.ISO-8859-1@HPUX
(Pravin Satpute, #677354)

- support es_ES.ISO-8859-1@SAP (Pravin Satpute, #629603)

- build with debuginfo and FOR_GLIBC_2_6_AND_LATER (#607517)

- lowercase sapsjis in postun
- prefix glibc_post_upgrade with _target_cpu instead of _arch

- update saplocales-2.2.5-SAPSJIS.patch with SAPSHIFT_JIS fixes
by Takao Fujiwara (#249676)

- run glibc_post_upgrade after updating or removing

- also use SAPSJIS// in the gconv module

- follow glibc's naming scheme for SHIFT_JIS for SAPSHIFT_JIS (#249676):
- add saplocales-2.2.5-SAPSJIS.patch
- force SAPSJIS localedef like others

- ja_JP.SAPSJIS not ja_JP.SJIS@SAP (#249676)

- don't install gconv-modules.SAP (#249676)
- add SAPSJIS module to gconv-modules (#249676)

- add ja_JP@SAP modified SJIS locale again with saplocales-2.2.5 (#249676)
- package is arch again

- fix weights of ' and - in WINDOWS locales (Pravin Satpute)

- localedef without encodings to get both names with and without defined

- drop .CP1252 from names when defining archives of WINDOWS locales (#517889)

- add de_DE@WINDOWS

- fix some en_US@WINDOWS collation rules (Pravin Satpute)

- call windows compat locale en_US.CP1252@WINDOWS

- correct en_US@WINDOWS localedef name

- install COPYING

- add a en_US@WINDOWS by Pravin Satpute (#517889)
- cleanup setup section

- remove ja_JP.SJIS@SAP since it is not JISX0213: base package now empty
- make noarch

- use patches to glibc locales rather than modified locale tarball
- update tr_TR@SAP to pass SAP tests (#467488)

- package the newer locales in a tarball and call it version 1.0 (#488915)
- update description (#488915)
- don't own gconv dir (#488915)

* Fri Jun 05 2009 Jens Petersen
- drop the de_DE iso14651_HP collation for now

* Thu Jun 04 2009 Jens Petersen
- rename from sap-locale to distinguish package from SAP's saplocales package
- add posix locales for de_DE and en_US (Nils Philippsen)
- add iso14651_HP collation for de_DE from OpenSuSE's sap-locale package
- update tr_TR locale with one from SuSE sap-locale
- bump version to 2.5

* Fri May 15 2009 Jens Petersen
- add cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2@SAP and sk_SK.ISO-8859-2@SAP (thanks Pravin Satpute)

* Fri May 08 2009 Jens Petersen
- reworked package to provide tr_TR.ISO-8859-9@SAP, ko_KR.euckr@SAP
lt_LT.ISO-8859-4@SAP, lv_LV.ISO-8859-4@SAP, et_EE.ISO-8859-4@SAP,
and ja_JP.SJIS@SAP (#467488)

* Fri Mar 06 2009 Jens Petersen
- update README
- add some notes to common description about locale

* Mon Mar 02 2009 Jens Petersen
- initial packaging of SAP package for RHEL Supplementary (#467488)
- saplocales-2.2.5-rhel5.patch with sysdep.h from Uli Drepper

- Remove Obsoletion of compat-locales-sap-common to allow future releases of the package. [Orabug: 35862052]

- Add Conflicts: compat-locales-sap