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elementary OS 7.1 has been released.

elementary OS 7.1 Available Now

Today, we’re proud to announce that OS 7.1 is available to download now and shipping on several high-quality computers. This release represents the sum of our work over the last several months as a single major update to the OS 7 series and includes  all of the monthly OS updates we’ve detailed since the OS 7 release.

With OS 7.1, we’ve focused in on:

  • Providing personalization options and features that make our operating system more inclusive and accessible
  • Protecting your privacy and ensuring apps always operate with your explicit consent
  • Addressing your feedback with over 200 bug fixes, design changes, and new features

To get elementary OS 7.1 now, head to for the download—or read on for an overview of what’s new.


elementary OS 7.1 Available Now