Fedora Linux 8868 Published by

Dedoimedo posted a long review of Fedora 17 Beefy Miracle 64-bit with Xfce desktop tested on T61 with SSD

Ladies and nerds, Fedora 17 Beefy Miracle has just been released. And instantly, I was faced with a dilemma. Which version should I test? Of course, the default Gnome 3 is out of the question. So that left me with KDE and Xfce. The last time, I liked Fedora 16 KDE very much. And recently, I liked Xubuntu 12.04 very much. Hm, it's a tie. In the end, I bit the binary bullet and went for the Xfce version, as you already know all too well my stance on Gnome, Unity and KDE. Moreover, with my recent success with Xfce, it will be interesting to see what another Xfce-flavored distro can offer.

Anyhow, we will do all the usual stuff - live session, installation, post-install fun, tweaks and tests. I will focus less on the bleeding edge technologies under the hood as they are not intended for normal people, so you will excuse me if I don't talk about JBoss Application Server, which I just did, oops. Enough babbling, after me, borgs!
  Fedora 17 Beefy Miracle Xfce review - Underwhelming