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Phoronix posted benchmarks of Fedora 20 Beta vs. Ubuntu 13.10 vs. Scientific Linux 6.4

Last week I shared results of Fedora 19 vs. Fedora 20 Beta Linux performance from an AMD Opteron system and those results were of much interest to many Phoronix readers, so to kick off a new week of Linux benchmarking are results from that system when adding in Ubuntu 13.10 and Scientific Linux 6.4 (RHEL-based) to this Linux OS comparison.

The same AMD Opteron 2384 system with Radeon HD 4870 graphics was used throughout all testing. Since last week's Fedora 20 Beta performance article I tested clean installs of Ubuntu 13.10 and Scientific Linux 6.4 on the system. Compared to Fedora 20 Beta, Ubuntu 13.10 is also Linux 3.11 based, the Ubuntu release has Mesa 9.2.1, both distributions are using X.Org Server 1.14.3 and are also using the GCC 4.8.2 compiler. Being based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4, Scientific 6.4 has the Linux 2.6.32-358 kernel, Mesa 9.0-devel, and GCC 4.4.7. Scientific was omitted from our OpenGL gaming tests due to its enterprise focus.
  Fedora 20 Beta vs. Ubuntu 13.10 vs. Scientific Linux 6.4