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Fedora 22 has been released

We are proud to announce the official release of Fedora 22, the
community-driven and community-built operating system now available
in Cloud, Server, and Workstation editions.

If that's all you need to hear, jump over to Get Fedora to download
-- or for current users, run the FedUp upgrade tool.

* https://getfedora.org/
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedUp

In addition to the latest versions of all your favorite free and
open source software, Fedora 22 marks our second release with
distinctly-targeted offerings for cloud computing, the server room,
and the desktops and laptops of software developers and creators
everywhere. Thanks to the hard work of developers, designers,
packagers, translators, testers, documentation writers, and
everyone else, we're incredibly confident in saying that this is
our best and most polished release yet.

Also with this release, we return to our traditional six-month
cadence -- we'll see you back here sometime around Halloween!

Highlights in the Fedora 22 release

Every Fedora release has its own character. If this release had a
human analogue, it'd be Fedora 21 after it'd been to college,
landed a good job, and kept its New Year's Resolution to go to the
gym on a regular basis. What we're saying is that Fedora 22 has
built on the foundation we laid with Fedora 21 and the work to
create distinct editions of Fedora focused on the desktop, server,
and cloud (respectively). It's not radically different, but there
are a fair amount of new features coupled with features we've
already introduced but have improved for Fedora 22.

Fedora Cloud

Fedora 22 Cloud edition has a number of interesting updates that should
be exciting for users and developers.

* Updated Docker Images – The Fedora 22 release includes updated
Docker images that you can use as the base of your containerized

* Vagrant Boxes – One of the oft-requested features for Fedora is
an “official” Vagrant box that developers can use to spin up
images using the popular Vagrant tool for building development
environments. With the Fedora 22 release we now offer Vagrant
Boxes for libvirt and VirtualBox, so developers on Linux, Mac OS
X, and Windows can spin up Fedora-based development environments
with ease. Users can choose a Vagrant box for Fedora 22 Atomic
Host and Fedora 22 Cloud base edition.

* Atomic Improvements – Fedora 22 Atomic Host includes a number of
interesting improvements, including the Atomic command, updated
Docker, Kubernetes, Flannel, and rpm-ostree packages.

* Dockerfiles – Fedora 22 also includes a fedora-dockerfiles
package (and up-to-date git repository) for building applications
with the base Fedora 22 Dockerfile and additional packages.

Fedora Server

* Database Server Role -- The Fedora Server edition focuses on easy of
different server roles. Fedora 21 debuted with an Domain Controller
Role featuring FreeIPA. For this release, we've added a Database
Server role, built around PostgreSQL.

* Default to XFS filesystem -- The default file system type for
Fedora Server installs will be XFS running atop LVM for all
partitions except /boot. The /boot partition will remain a non-LVM,
ext4 partition due to technological limitations of the bootloader.

* Cockpit will be compatible between OS releases -- Cockpit is a
server manager that makes it easy to administer your GNU/Linux
servers via a web browser.

- Easy to use. Cockpit is perfect for new sysadmins, allowing
them to easily perform simple tasks such as storage
administration, inspecting journals and starting and stopping

- No interference. Jumping between the terminal and the web
tool is no problem. A service started via Cockpit can be
stopped via the terminal. Likewise, if an error occurs in the
terminal, it can be seen in the Cockpit journal interface.

- Multi-server. You can monitor and administer several servers
at the same time.

Fedora Workstation

* Better notifications.

Thanks both to work done in GNOME 3.16 and other projects like
the Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT), notifications keep you
better informed, but interfere less with your work. They now
appear anchored to the center of the top bar, and no longer cover
up the bottom of the screen where you are often reading a
terminal or browser. An unobtrusive marker appears in the
calendar to let you know you have unread notifications. If ABRT
detects a serious bug, a friendly notification appears and allows
you to report the bug information, but doesn't overload you with
details. And if you're a serious Terminal user, longer background
jobs now notify you when they're done, so you can get on with
other work and pick up the results when you're ready.

* Refined themes.

The GNOME Shell and other themes and design are refined and
improved. Now you can more easily identify information on the
screen, adjust window size and placement, and navigate your files
and folders. Improved bridging between desktop environment themes
allows apps from other environments like KDE to look and feel
more like native apps as they're updated to take advantage of
this feature. Standard scrollbars have been replaced by a
minimal, overlaid indicator, while a scrollbar trough is shown
when needed. This create a cleaner, less distracting view which
helps you focus on window content. These “overlay scrollbars” are
also better suited to mouse scroll wheels and touchpad scrolling.

* Application improvements.

- Software: The Software app has more and better data than
ever before, and makes it easy for you to find a wide variety of
useful free software. It also makes keeping your system up to
date a snap. The Software app also can install all sorts of
extras such as fonts or media helpers.

- Files: The updated layout in Files gives a better view of
your files and folders, and a new view popover makes it easy to
change the zoom level and sort order from a single place. You
can also now move files and folders to the trash intuitively
using the Delete key, rather than the Ctrl+Delete keyboard

- Image Viewer: The Image Viewer has been redesigned to reduce
the amount of window chrome and give more space to images.

- Boxes: The user interface for Boxes, the application for
virtual and remote machines, has a large number of improvements,
including new preferences dialogs, a revamped box creation
assistant, a feature to send keyboard shortcuts to a box, and
display scaling by default.

- Vagrant: Developers will appreciate the addition of software
development environment software Vagrant into Fedora -- it'll
work using our included virtualization technology, with no need
to install third-party virtualization (like VirtualBox). Use
this to work on top of the Cloud images mentioned above, or
launch your own Vagrant boxes.

Spins, Labs, and ARM

Spins are alternative desktop environments for Fedora, including KDE,
Xfce, LXDE, MATE-Compiz, and SOAS (Sugar on a Stick). We have a new
website presenting these at https://spins.fedoraproject.org/. Of
particular note for F22:

Fedora 22 KDE Plasma

Plasma 5, the successor to KDE Plasma 4, is now the default
workspace in the Fedora KDE spin. It has a new theme called Breeze,
which has cleaner visuals and better readability, improves certain
work-flows and provides overall more consistent and polished
interface. Changes under the hood include switch to Qt 5 and KDE
Frameworks 5 and migration to a fully hardware-accelerated graphics
stack based on OpenGL(ES).

Fedora 22 Xfce

The Xfce spin has been updated to Xfce 4.12. This release has an
enormous number of improvements, including HiDPI support,
improvements to window tiling, support for Gtk3 plugins, and many
improvements for multi-monitor support.

Fedora Labs

We also have a new site, presenting functional bundles of software
which were previously also collected as Spins. Visit
https://labs.fedoraproject.org/ for collections focusing on gaming,
audio production, robotics, security, and more.

ARM Architecture

Previously, images for the ARM architecture were mixed into the
Spins page. They now have their own home at
https://arm.fedoraproject.org/, with downloads for Fedora Server,
Fedora Workstation, and for several Spins as well. Note that this
currently covers 32-bit ARM; Aarch64 will be released as a
secondary architecture later today.

Other changes of note

Faster and better dependency management with DNF

With Fedora 22, we're introducing a major change under the hood.
Specifically, we're now using DNF and hawkey to manage packages.
DNF is much like the Yum software package manager (it's largely
command-line compatible), but re-written and re-engineered to
provide optimal performance and (along with Hawkey) provide a
strict API definition for plugins and extending projects. DNF also
makes use of the libsolv library initially pioneered by the
openSUSE Project to provide faster and better dependency

It also boasts a better performance and memory footprint vs. Yum,
and is designed to have a cleaner codebase and be easier to

If you're using the Fedora 22 Workstation edition, and managing
packages with the Software Application, odds are you won't notice a
difference. Server and Cloud users who fall back on Yum commands
will receive a reminder (courtesy of dnf-yum) that Yum is
deprecated and DNF is now the default package manager. DNF has been
in development for quite some time, so we're confident it's ready
for prime time. The classic Yum command line tool has been renamed
to yum-deprecated as a transitional step for tools still using it.
See Read The Docs for compatibility changes from Yum to DNF in


Elasticsearch is full-featured and very popular self-standing
open source indexing server, and now it's available by with just a
`yum install elasticsearch` -- no, wait, make that `dnf install

GNU Compiler Collection 5

Fedora 22 comes with GCC 5.1 as the primary compiler suite.

Downloads, upgrades, documentation, and common bugs

You can start by downloading Fedora 22:

* https://getfedora.org/

If you are upgrading from a previous release of Fedora, refer to:

* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrading

Fedora's FedUp utility enables an easy upgrade to Fedora 22 from
previous releases. See the FedUp page on the Fedora wiki for more

* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedUp


Read the full release notes for Fedora 22, guides for several languages,
and learn about known bugs and how to report new ones:

* http://docs.fedoraproject.org/

Fedora 22 common bugs are documented at:

* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F22_bugs

This page includes information on several known non-blocker bugs in
Fedora 22. Please be sure to read it before installing!

Read this announcement in glorious full color on Fedora Magazine, at

* http://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-22-released

and follow the Magazine for regular user-focused articles covering
all things Fedora.
  Fedora 22 released