Fedora Linux 8811 Published by

An imapfilter update has been released for Fedora 30

Fedora Update Notification
2019-11-26 23:50:46.045375

Name : imapfilter
Product : Fedora 30
Version : 2.6.15
Release : 1.fc30
URL : https://github.com/lefcha/imapfilter/
Summary : A flexible client side mail filtering utility for IMAP servers
Description :
IMAPFilter is a mail filtering utility. It connects to remote mail servers
using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), sends searching queries
to the server and processes mailboxes based on the results. It can be used
to delete, copy, move, flag, etc. messages residing in mailboxes at the
same or different mail servers. The 4rev1 and 4 versions of the IMAP
protocol are supported.

Update Information:

New upstream release: fixes CVE-2016-10937

* Thu Nov 14 2019 Andrea Veri - 2.6.15-1
- New upstream release. (Fixes CVE-2016-10937)
* Mon May 27 2019 Andrea Veri - 2.6.12-1
- New upstream release. (This release introduces SNI support, fixes
RH BZ #1713160)

[ 1 ] Bug #1765135 - CVE-2016-10937 imapfilter: Missing validation for hostname in an SSL certificate [fedora-all]
[ 2 ] Bug #1765136 - CVE-2016-10937 imapfilter: Missing validation for hostname in an SSL certificate [epel-all]

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2019-90925dd5aa' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at