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Updated PHP 7.3 packages are available for Fedora Linux 30

Fedora Update Notification
2019-11-03 00:10:34.337843

Name : php
Product : Fedora 30
Version : 7.3.11
Release : 1.fc30
URL : http://www.php.net/
Summary : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites Description :
PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. PHP attempts to make it easy for developers to write dynamically generated web pages. PHP also offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a
database-enabled webpage with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts.
The php package contains the module (often referred to as mod_php) which adds support for the PHP language to Apache HTTP Server.
Update Information:

**PHP version 7.3.11** (24 Oct 2019) **Core:** * Fixed bug php#78535 (auto_detect_line_endings value not parsed as bool). (bugreportuser) * Fixed bug
php#78620 (Out of memory error). (cmb, Nikita) **Exif :** * Fixed bug php#78442 ('Illegal component' on exif_read_data since PHP7) (Kalle) **FPM:**
* Fixed bug php#78599 (env_path_info underflow in fpm_main.c can lead to RCE).
(**CVE-2019-11043**) (Jakub Zelenka) * Fixed bug php#78413
(request_terminate_timeout does not take effect after fastcgi_finish_request).
(Sergei Turchanov) **MBString:** * Fixed bug php#78579
(mb_decode_numericentity: args number inconsistency). (cmb) * Fixed bug php#78609 (mb_check_encoding() no longer supports stringable objects). (cmb)**MySQLi:** * Fixed bug php#76809 (SSL settings aren't respected when persistent connections are used). (fabiomsouto) **Mysqlnd:** * Fixed bug php#78525 (Memory leak in pdo when reusing native prepared statements). (Nikita)
**PCRE:** * Fixed bug php#78272 (calling preg_match() before pcntl_fork() will
freeze child process). (Nikita) **PDO_MySQL:** * Fixed bug php#78623 (Regression caused by "SP call yields additional empty result set"). (cmb) **Session:** * Fixed bug php#78624 (session_gc return value for user defined
session handlers). (bshaffer) **Standard:** * Fixed bug php#76342 (file_get_contents waits twice specified timeout). (Thomas Calvet) * Fixed bug
php#78612 (strtr leaks memory when integer keys are used and the subject string
shorter). (Nikita) * Fixed bug php#76859 (stream_get_line skips data if usedwith data-generating filter). (kkopachev) **Zip:** * Fixed bug php#78641 (addGlob can modify given remove_path value). (cmb)

* Tue Oct 22 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.11-1 - Update to 7.3.11 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_11.php * Tue Sep 24 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.10-1 - Update to 7.3.10 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_10.php * Wed Aug 28 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.9-1 - Update to 7.3.9 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_9.php
* Tue Jul 30 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.8-1 - Update to 7.3.8 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_8.php
* Wed Jul 3 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.7-2 - Update to 7.3.7 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_7.php
* Tue May 28 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.6-1 - Update to 7.3.6 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_6.php
* Wed May 1 2019 Remi Collet - 7.3.5-1 - Update to 7.3.5 - http://www.php.net/releases/7_3_5.php

[ 1 ] Bug #1766378 - CVE-2019-11043 php: underflow in env_path_info in fpm_main.c
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1766378 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2019-7bb07c3b02' at the command line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at http://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html#upgrade-command-label
All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on theGPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at