Fedora Linux 8811 Published by

A mingw-libidn2 security update has been released for Fedora 31

Fedora Update Notification
2019-11-25 01:49:57.930453

Name : mingw-libidn2
Product : Fedora 31
Version : 2.3.0
Release : 1.fc31
URL : https://www.gnu.org/software/libidn/#libidn2
Summary : MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name 2008 support library
Description :
Libidn2 is an implementation of the IDNA2008 specifications in RFC
5890, 5891, 5892 and 5893 for internationalized domain names (IDN).
It is a standalone library, without any dependency on libidn.

Update Information:

Libidn 2.3.0 (released 2019-11-14) ================================== * Mitre
has assigned CVE-2019-12290 which was fixed by the roundtrip feature introduced
in 2.2.0 (commit 241e8f48) * Update the data tables from Unicode 6.3.0 to
Unicode 11.0 * Turn `_idn2_punycode_encode`, `_idn2_punycode_decode` into
compat symbols (Fixes #74)

* Sat Nov 16 2019 Robert Scheck - 2.3.0-1
- New upstream release (#1764345, #1773229)
* Tue Oct 8 2019 Sandro Mani - 2.2.0-2
- Rebuild (Changes/Mingw32GccDwarf2)

[ 1 ] Bug #1773229 - mingw-libidn2-2.3.0 is available

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2019-1ebb5c928e' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at