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A php-symfony4 security update has been released for Fedora 32.

SECURITY: Fedora 32 Update: php-symfony4-4.4.7-1.fc32

Fedora Update Notification
2020-04-09 14:41:13.795324

Name : php-symfony4
Product : Fedora 32
Version : 4.4.7
Release : 1.fc32
URL :   https://symfony.com
Summary : Symfony PHP framework (version 4)
Description :
Symfony PHP framework (version 4).

NOTE: Does not require PHPUnit bridge.

Update Information:

**Version 4.4.7** (2020-03-30) * security #cve-2020-5255 [HttpFoundation] Do
not set the default Content-Type based on the Accept header (yceruto) *
security #cve-2020-5275 [Security] Fix access_control behavior with unanimous
decision strategy (chalasr) * bug #36262 [DI] fix generating TypedReference
from PriorityTaggedServiceTrait (nicolas-grekas) * bug #36252 [Security/Http]
Allow setting cookie security settings for delete_cookies (wouterj) * bug
#36261 [FrameworkBundle] revert to legacy wiring of the session when circular
refs are detected (nicolas-grekas) * bug #36259 [DomCrawler] Fix BC break in
assertions breaking Panther (dunglas) * bug #36181 [BrowserKit] fixed missing
post request parameters in file uploads (codebay) * bug #36216 [Validator]
Assert Valid with many groups (phucwan91) * bug #36222 [Console] Fix
OutputStream for PHP 7.4 (guillbdx) ---- **Version 4.4.6** (2020-03-27) *
bug #36169 [HttpKernel] fix locking for PHP 7.4+ (nicolas-grekas) * bug #36175
[Security/Http] Remember me: allow to set the samesite cookie flag (dunglas) *
bug #36173 [Http Foundation] Fix clear cookie samesite (guillbdx) * bug #36176
[Security] Check if firewall is stateless before checking for session/previous
session (koenreiniers) * bug #36149 [Form] Support customized intl php.ini
settings (jorrit) * bug #36172 [Debug] fix for PHP 7.3.16+/7.4.4+ (nicolas-
grekas) * bug #36151 [Security] Fixed hardcoded value of
SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE (lyrixx) * bug #36141 Prevent warning
in proc_open() (BenMorel) * bug #36143 [FrameworkBundle] Fix Router Cache
(guillbdx) * bug #36103 [DI] fix preloading script generation (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #36118 [Security/Http] don't require the session to be started when
tracking its id (nicolas-grekas) * bug #36108 [DI] Fix CheckTypeDeclarationPass
(guillbdx) * bug #36121 [VarDumper] fix side-effect by not using mt_rand()
(nicolas-grekas) * bug #36073 [PropertyAccess][DX] Improved errors when reading
uninitialized properties (HeahDude) * bug #36063 [FrameworkBundle] start
session on flashbag injection (William Arslett) * bug #36031 [Console] Fallback
to default answers when unable to read input (ostrolucky) * bug #36083
[DI][Form] Fixed test suite (TimeType changes & unresolved merge conflict)
(wouterj) * bug #36026 [Mime] Fix boundary header (guillbdx) * bug #36020
[Form] ignore microseconds submitted by Edge (xabbuh) * bug #36038 [HttpClient]
disable debug log with curl 7.64.0 (nicolas-grekas) * bug #36041 fix import
from config file using type: glob (Tobion) * bug #35987
[DoctrineBridge][DoctrineExtractor] Fix wrong guessed type for "json" type
(fancyweb) * bug #35949 [DI] Fix container lint command when a synthetic
service is used in an expression (HypeMC) * bug #36023 [HttpClient] fix
requests to hosts that idn_to_ascii() cannot handle (nicolas-grekas) * bug
#35938 [Form] Handle false as empty value on expanded choices (fancyweb) * bug
#36030 [SecurityBundle] Minor fix in LDAP config tree builder (HeahDude) * bug
#35993 Remove int return type from FlattenException::getCode (wucdbm) * bug
#36004 [Yaml] fix dumping strings containing CRs (xabbuh) * bug #35982 [DI] Fix
XmlFileLoader bad error message (przemyslaw-bogusz) * bug #35957 [DI] ignore
extra tags added by autoconfiguration in PriorityTaggedServiceTrait (nicolas-
grekas) * bug #35937 Revert "bug symfony#28179 [DomCrawler] Skip disabled
fields processing in Form" (dmaicher) * bug #35928 [Routing] Prevent localized
routes _locale default & requirement from being overridden (fancyweb) * bug
#35912 [FrameworkBundle] register only existing transport factories (xabbuh) *
bug #35899 [DomCrawler] prevent deprecation being triggered from assertion
(xabbuh) * bug #35910 [SecurityBundle] Minor fixes in configuration tree
builder (HeahDude)

* Tue Mar 31 2020 Remi Collet - 4.4.7-1
- update to 4.4.7
* Fri Mar 27 2020 Remi Collet - 4.4.6-1
- update to 4.4.6

This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use
su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2020-fade6a8df7' at the command
line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at