Fedora Linux 8881 Published by

A new update is available for Fedora Core - Fedora Core 4 Update: dia-0.94-12.fc4. Here the announcement:

Fedora Update Notification

Product : Fedora Core 4
Name : dia
Version : 0.94
Release : 12.fc4
Summary : A diagram drawing program.
Description :
The Dia drawing program is designed to be like the Windows(TM) Visio
program. Dia can be used to draw different types of diagrams, and
includes support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams),
entity relationship modeling, and network diagrams. Dia can load and
save diagrams to a custom file format, can load and save in .xml
format, and can export to PostScript(TM).


* Fri Apr 8 2005 Caolan McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
- rh#165337# crash on >= 1000% xoom

This update can be downloaded from:

fcbd13ee3b42b3054265e935e396b8f9 SRPMS/dia-0.94-12.fc4.src.rpm
263b3bb609609b285bda52f1a06ef109 ppc/dia-0.94-12.fc4.ppc.rpm
9e4bf823898c83e26f7c5bf01835bdb2 ppc/debug/dia-debuginfo-0.94-12.fc4.ppc.rpm
0dd95363adf26d2507345bc4bd50f3e2 x86_64/dia-0.94-12.fc4.x86_64.rpm
15bc9a48a1ec726baee787ed1064f7f1 x86_64/debug/dia-debuginfo-0.94-12.fc4.x86_64.rpm
6682d9e9a4b44a9c697cc9bf1a7b8e92 i386/dia-0.94-12.fc4.i386.rpm
9b99625689e23394df2d951678b922ed i386/debug/dia-debuginfo-0.94-12.fc4.i386.rpm

This update can also be installed with the Update Agent; you can
launch the Update Agent with the 'up2date' command.