Fedora Linux 8828 Published by

A readahead update has been released for Fedora Core 4

Fedora Update Notification

Product : Fedora Core 4
Name : readahead
Version : 1.1
Release : 1.16_FC4
Summary : Read a preset list of files into memory.
Description :
readahead reads the contents of a list of files into memory, which causes them to be read from cache when they are actually needed. It's goal is to speed up the boot process.

Update Information:

This update should fix a inverted case where readahead would be triggered on boxes that have less than 384MB of memory, and would not occur if the box had more than 384MB of memory.

* Tue Aug 2 2005 Dave Jones <davej@redhat.com>
- Fix inverted free memory test in startup script. (#164872)

This update can be downloaded from:

bb274fe9063cb8665dda67e790caf672 SRPMS/readahead-1.1-1.16_FC4.src.rpm
c41cfbc5abc7bfed0c56a9a3561816b5 ppc/readahead-1.1-1.16_FC4.ppc.rpm
0a3dd7e759354ce23efc6781af70131a x86_64/readahead-1.1-1.16_FC4.x86_64.rpm
67d17ed9443d8305de641a44acbe4ee0 i386/readahead-1.1-1.16_FC4.i386.rpm

This update can also be installed with the Update Agent; you can launch the Update Agent with the 'up2date' command.