Fedora Linux 8892 Published by

Karanbir Singh has ported the Fedora Extra repository to CentOS 4

The aim of this repository is to provide an easy way to access rpm's originally built for related projects, but not available to run on CentOS without a rebuild. At present, I am not doing a build tag to mark the rpms, however there is a Vendor: Tag markup in each rpm hosted here. If you need to track pkg repositories thats the best way for now, along with the Signing Key ID.

There are two repositories hosted here, the Fedora Extras rebuilt for CentOS 4 and the Misc pkg. The Misc pkg tree includes various rpms that I have built from source or src.rpm rebuilds. There might be pkgs there that will overwrite / replace core pkgs included in CentOS. To use the Misc Pkgs repository, you will need the FExtras repo enabled as well, some of the dependencies are resolved there.
Fedora Extras for CentOS