Security 10819 Published by

Two new security updates for Debian GNU/Linux has been released:

DSA-259-1 qpopper -- mail user privilege escalation

Florian Heinz posted to the Bugtraq mailing list an exploit for qpopper based on a bug in the included vsnprintf implementation. The sample exploit requires a valid user account and password, and overflows a string in the pop_msg() function to give the user "mail" group privileges and a shell on the system. Since the Qvsnprintf function is used elsewhere in qpopper, additional exploits may be possible.

The qpopper package in Debian 2.2 (potato) does not include the vulnerable snprintf implementation. For Debian 3.0 (woody) an updated package is available in version 4.0.4-2.woody.3. Users running an unreleased version of Debian should upgrade to 4.0.4-9 or newer. We recommend you upgrade your qpopper package immediately.

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DSA-260-1 file -- buffer overflow

iDEFENSE discovered a buffer overflow vulnerability in the ELF format parsing of the "file" command, one which can be used to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the command. The vulnerability can be exploited by crafting a special ELF binary which is then input to file. This could be accomplished by leaving the binary on the file system and waiting for someone to use file to identify it, or by passing it to a service that uses file to classify input. (For example, some printer filters run file to determine how to process input going to a printer.)

Fixed packages are available in version 3.28-1.potato.1 for Debian 2.2 (potato) and version 3.37-3.1.woody.1 for Debian 3.0 (woody). We recommend you upgrade your file package immediately.

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