KDE 1576 Published by

G System 0.3 has been released

After only 20 days of work, the next release of the G System is ready! The focus for this release was to create a solid base from which the project can grow into an ... evolving universe.

The demo was extended to include an analysation infrastructure to allow interaction with the world. Much work was spent on improving the documentation and the homepage. The G System homepage is now fully functional and holds much informationen about the project. The documentation got many additions and is now managed with docbook and the source code documentation has improved as well. Of course the source code itself was improved as well. Have a look at the CHANGELOG file for details which is included in the source release! The overall project structure is now ready to emerge step by step to a living universe. Of course it is a long way to go, and everyone is invited to help in this open effort to reach the high goals this projects has.

After having spent much time on the base system, we will now focus more and more on creating the virtual reality we are dreaming of. And this dream is steadily manifesting into a literally living universe. As the system emerges everyone will be able to take part in it and experience this world. You will be able to take your passion, your joy, your imaginations and your creational power into it. Feel the fascination of life inside you, and you know what this project aims at.
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