Gentoo 2514 Published by

Gentoo Linux 2005.1-r1 has been released

The 2005.1-r1 release is simply a media refresh over the 2005.1 release. What this means is that it used the same base snapshot, and has very few changes. It is essentially nothing more than a bug-fix release. Though offered to all architecture teams, only a few had bugs that were large enough to warrant an interim release before 2006.0's release next year. This media refresh is only of stages and the InstallCD images. The PackageCD images from 2005.1 are still valid and have not been rebuilt.

You will find the new release media under a 2005.1-r1 directory on your favorite mirror. The following architectures have participated in the media refresh: AMD64, PPC64, SPARC, and x86

This interim release fixes many bugs with 2005.1's release. SPARC - Added missing mdadm package PPC64 - Updated iprutils/sysfsutils
Gentoo Linux 2005.1-r1