GNOME 3634 Published by

This is to announce the Gimmie version 0.2.3 release. Gimmie is a unique desktop organizer designed to allow easy interaction with all the applications, contacts, documents and other resources you use every day. Gimmie can be run as a stand-alone application or as a GNOME Panel-applet.

To see some pictures of Gimmie in action, check out the Developer Resource Page located at:

This is the third release since the Panel-applet version was introduced, and there has been great progress. 0.2.3 comes hot on the heals of the 0.2.2 release, with an important crash fix that some early testers uncovered.

This new release includes the following features and bug fixes:

Version 0.2.3, February 6, 2007
* Fix crash opening People pane (bug #404909)
* Support different panel layouts (Markus Jonsson)
* Favorite items get a heart
* GTK 2.10 RecentManager support (James Bowes)
* Install Gimmie icons from Drew Kerr
* Remove devel package dependencies
* "All Favorites" support in Computer
* Fix bug with missing .gtk-bookmarks file
* Give applet transparent background (Christian Hammond)
* Support for running uninstalled build

You can download it here:
md5sum: 294b9aa65247dc1f467424d15b1c247c
size: 573KB

If you're interested in steering the future of this young project, sign up for the Gimmie discussion list by visiting

There has been an overwhelming amount of user interest in the last few weeks. Let's keep that momentum rolling!
