GNOME 3634 Published by

The first release candidate of GNOME 3.0 is now available

3.0 is now around the corner, and this release candidate has it all
already, everyone has been working really hard those last days to make
it wonderful. Thanks!

So, what are you waiting for? Download it! Build it! Test it! Break it!

We remind you we are string frozen, no string changes may be made
without confirmation from the l10n team (gnome-i18n@) and notification
to both the release team and the GNOME Documentation Project

Hard code freeze is also in place, no source code changes can be made
without approval from the release-team. Translation and documentation
can continue.

To compile GNOME 2.91.92, you can the jhbuild [1] modulesets [2] (which
use the exact tarball versions from the official release):


The release notes that describe the changes between 2.91.91 and 2.91.92
are available. Go read them to learn all the goodness of this release:

core -
apps -

The GNOME 2.91.92 release is available here:

core sources -
apps sources -


This release is a snapshot of development code. Although it is buildable
and usable, it is primarily intended for testing and hacking purposes.
GNOME uses odd minor version numbers to indicate development status.

For more informations about 2.91, the full schedule and the official
module lists, please see our colorful 2.91 page on the wiki:

For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:

We hope you'll love it,

The GNOME Release Team