GNOME 3634 Published by

GNOME System Tools version 1.0 "the X-ray eyes man" have been released.

The GNOME System Tools are a set of cross-platform configuration utilities for Linux and other Unix systems. Internally they are divided in frontends and backends. The frontend knows nothing about the underlying system and provides the same user interface across the different types of systems. The backend knows how to read and write the configuration information. The GNOME System Tools do not impose a new database on the system: they work with the default configuration files so that configuration can still be done by hand or by other tools.

Right now the GNOME System Tools fully support various distros/OS such as: Redhat, Mandrake, SuSE, Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, Slackware, FreeBSD, OpenNA, PLD, Vine and Specifix.

WARNING: By default, only the users, network and time tools will be built, for compiling the other tools you can do:


at configure time