GNOME 3622 Published by

GNOME-Fx 0.10.1 has been released

I'm pleased to announce the availability of the GNOME-Fx 0.10.1 themes for Mozilla Firefox 0.10 (I hope to release a version for Firefox 1.0 next week). The GNOME-Fx themes try to make Firefox look like a native GNOME application. Version 0.10.1 is a huge improvement because the themes use more native looking GTK widgets and also the help is GNOMEized.

There are currently 3 themes

* GNOME-Fx: it uses green GTK icons and blends for example well in with the default theme of GNOME 2.6 and the default Ubuntu theme

* GNOME-Fx-blue: it uses blue GTK icons and blends for example well in with the Glider (SmoothGNOME) and the Indubstrial theme.

* GNOME-Fx-Simple: especially designed to work with the GNOME Simple theme. It's basically GNOME-Fx with a patch to get the menu's to work correctly in the Simple theme
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