GNOME 3634 Published by

gnome-mag provides a command-line interface for standalone use, although its primary goal is to provide a set of magnification services for use by other client applications and assistive technologies.

Download at the usual place :

* What's changed for gnome-mag 0.14.6?

This is a bug fix release. The fixes are:

* #443970 - colorblind-applet preferences UI doesn't sync when changes are
made throw shortcuts;
* #444138 - gnome-mag doesn't build due a variable name that wasn't renamed
after X11 code refactoring;
* #444333 - when the magnifier is already running and the colorblind filter
is activated the crosswire leave trash in the screen;
* #446116 - files needed for the colorblind-applet that wasn't committed ar
causing errors during configuration/compilation;
* #448827 - make distcheck failing due the missing of POTFILES.skip;
* #448838 - docs/references/ causing make distcheck failure.

Thanks for the translations:
* Tshewang Norbu (dz)
* Jorge Gonz=E1lez (es)
* Ivar Smolin (et)
* Daniel Nylander (sv)
* Theppitak Karoonboonyanan (th)

* Where can I get it?

Source code:

Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Digenes