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The second development release of Godot 4.4 is out. The release comes packed with over 350 improvements, including a bunch of bug fixes that will make their way to Godot 4.3 and be released in 4.3.1.

Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 dev 2

It’s barely been a month since the  4.3 release, but we had so many goodies queued up in the PR backlog that it’s been an early Christmas (or other gift-heavy holiday season) for contributors and testers.

We merged more than 200 hundred PRs for the  first dev snapshot, and just two weeks later, here we are with another batch of 350+ improvements for you to test and provide feedback on!

Many of the changes in this release are bug fixes that will be backported to Godot 4.3 and released in 4.3.1! So please test this release well so we can be confident with the changes and release 4.3.1 with them as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that while we try to make sure each dev snapshot is stable enough for general testing, this is by definition a pre-release piece of software. Be sure to make frequent backups, or use a version control system such as Git, to preserve your projects in case of corruption or data loss.

Jump to the Downloads section, and give it a spin right now, or continue reading to learn more about improvements in this release. You can also  try the Web editor or the Android editor for this release. If you are interested in the latter, please request to join  our testing group to get access to pre-release builds.


Dev snapshot: Godot 4.4 dev 2