GNOME 3634 Published by

Version 0.7.6 of the instant messaging client Gossip has been released

Gossip is an instant messaging client for GNOME with an easy-to-use interface, providing users of the GNOME Desktop with a friendly way to keep in touch with their friends.

This release has had quite a few updates since the last release about 2 months ago. For people using the group chats this release will include a couple of fixes for the most obvious bugs. Unfortunately there is still a bit of work to get them to work perfectly.

This release also includes support to edit your own vcard thanks to Martyn Russel who provided a patch for this. Ross Burton added a feature that a lot of people have asked for and that is the possibility to resubscribe to a contact if the subscription isn't both ways.

Furthermore there has been a number of smaller bug fixes and a couple of very rare crashes has been found and fixed. I also took some time and fixed a couple of smaller things that makes the entire experience of using Gossip better.
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