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Howtoforge published a tutorial about installing Suricata and Zeek IDS with ELK on Ubuntu 20.10.

How to Install Suricata and Zeek IDS with ELK on Ubuntu 20.10

In this (lengthy) tutorial we will install and configure Suricata, Zeek, the ELK stack, and some optional tools on an Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) server along with the Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana (ELK) stack.

This how-to also assumes that you have installed and configured Apache2 if you want to proxy Kibana through Apache2. If you don't have Apache2 installed you will find enough how-to's for that on this site. Nginx is an alternative and I will provide a basic config for Nginx since I don't use Nginx myself.

How to Install Suricata and Zeek IDS with ELK on Ubuntu 20.10