KDE 1583 Published by

David Faure has announced the release of KDE Frameworks 5.72.0.

KDE Frameworks 5.72.0 released

11th July 2020. KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 5.72.0.

KDE Frameworks are 83 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide
variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well
tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see

KDAV : New Module

DAV protocol implementation with KJobs.

Calendars and todos are supported, using either GroupDAV
or CalDAV, and contacts are supported using GroupDAV or


[Indexers] Ignore name-based mimetype for initial indexing decisions (bug 422085)


Expose the service advertisement data of a device

Breeze Icons

Fixed three 16px icons for application-x-... to be more pixel-perfect (bug 423727)
Add support for >200% scale for icons which should stay monochrome
Cut out center of window-close-symbolic
cervisia app and action icon update
Add README section about the webfont
Use grunt-webfonts instead of grunt-webfont and disable generation for symbolic linked icons
add kup icon from kup repo

Extra CMake Modules

Remove support for png2ico
Deal with Qt's CMake code modifying CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX
Add FindTaglib find module

KDE Doxygen Tools

Support "repo_id" in metainfo.yaml to override guessed repo name


Check for write error in save() if the disk is full (bug 370708)
Correct icon names for recurring to-dos
Fix serialization of recurring to-do's start date (bug 345565)


Fix changed signal for plugin selector


Add some \n otherwise text can be very big in messagebox


Also pass locationType to KConfigSkeleton when construction from group
Make "Switch Application Language..." text more consistent


Make "Switch Application Language..." text more consistent


KRandom::random -> QRandomGenerator::global()
Deprecate KRandom::random


Add missing declaration of environ, otherwise available only on GNU


Use consistent style for FDL notice (bug 423211)


Adapt kfilemetadata to "audio/x-speex+ogg" as recently changed in shared-mime-info


Also add quotes around rich text tagged text


Drop assignment in resetPalette
Return QPalette() if we have no custom palette
Respect QIcon::fallbackSearchpaths() (bug 405522)


[kcookiejar] Fix reading "Accept For Session" cookie setting (bug 386325)
KDirModel: fix hasChildren() regression for trees with hidden files, symlinks, pipes and character devices (bug 419434)
OpenUrlJob: fix support for shell scripts with a space in the filename (bug 423645)
Add webshortcut for DeepL and ArchWiki
[KFilePlacesModel] Show AFC (Apple File Conduit) devices
Also encode space characters for webshortcut URLs (bug 423255)
[KDirOperator] Actually enable dirHighlighting by default
[KDirOperator] Highlight the previous dir when going back/up (bug 422748)
[Trash] Handle ENOENT error when renaming files (bug 419069)
File ioslave: set nano sec timestamp when copying (bug 411537)
Adjust URLs for Qwant searchproviders (bug 423156)
File ioslave: Add support for reflink copying (bug 326880)
Fix setting of default shortcut in webshortcuts KCM (bug 423154)
Ensure readability of webshortcuts KCM by setting minimum width (bug 423153)
FileSystemFreeSpaceJob: emit error if the kioslave didn't provide the metadata
[Trash] Remove trashinfo files referencing files/dirs that don't exist (bug 422189)
kio_http: Guess the mime-type ourselves if server returns application/octet-stream
Deprecate totalFiles and totalDirs signals, not emitted
Fix reloading of new web shortcuts (bug 391243)
kio_http: Fix status of rename with overwriting enabled
Do not interpret name as hidden file or file path (bug 407944)
Do not display deleted/hidden webshortcuts (bug 412774)
Fix crash when deleting entry (bug 412774)
Do not allow to assign existing shortcuts
[kdiroperator] Use better tooltips for back and forward actions (bug 422753)
[BatchRenameJob] Use KJob::Items when reporting the progress info (bug 422098)


[aboutpage] Use OverlaySheet for license text
fix collapsed mode icons
Use light separators for DefaultListItemBackground
Add weight property to Separator
[overlaysheet] Avoid fractional height for contentLayout (bug 422965)
Fix pageStack.layers docs
Reintroduce layer support to Page.isCurrentPage
support icon color
use the internal component MnemonicLabel
Reduce global toolbar left padding when title is not used
Only set implicit{Width,Height} for Separator
Update KF5Kirigami2Macros.cmake to use https with git repo in order to avoid error when trying to access
Fix: avatar loading
Make PageRouterAttached#router WRITE-able
Fix OverlaySheet closing when clicking inside layout (bug 421848)
Add missing id to GlobalDrawerActionItem in GlobalDrawer
Fix OverlaySheet being too tall
Fix PlaceholderMessage code example
render border at the bottom of groups
use an LSH component
Add background to headers
Better collapsing handling
Better presentation for list header items
Add bold property to BasicListItem
Fix Kirigami.Units.devicePixelRatio=1.3 when it should be 1.0 at 96dpi
Hide OverlayDrawer handle when not interactive
Adjust ActionToolbarLayoutDetails calculations to make better use of screen real estate
ContextDrawerActionItem: Prefer text property over tooltip


Integrate the KJob::Unit::Items (bug 422098)


Fix crash when using KJSContext::interpreter


Move explanatory text from sheet header to list header
Fix paths for install script and uncompression
Hide the ShadowRectangle for non-loaded previews (bug 422048)
Don't allow content to overflow in the grid delegates (bug 422476)


Don't use notifybysnore.h on MSYS2


Deprecate PartSelectEvent and co


Elide value Label of LegendDelegate when there isn't enough width
Fix for error "C1059: non constant expression ..."
Account for line width when bounds checking
Don't use fwidth when rendering line chart lines
Rewrite removeValueSource so it doesn't use destroyed QObjects
Use insertValueSource in Chart::appendSource
Properly initialise ModelHistorySource::{m_row,m_maximumHistory}


Fix RunnerContextTest to not assume presence of .bashrc
Use embedded JSON metadata for binary plugins & custom for D-Bus plugins
Emit queryFinished when all jobs for current query have finished (bug 422579)


Make "goto line" work backwards (bug 411165)
fix crash on view deletion if ranges are still alive (bug 422546)

KWallet Framework

Introduce three new methods that return all "entries" in a folder


Fix KTimeComboBox for locales with unusual characters in formats (bug 420468)
KPageView: remove invisible pixmap on right side of header
KTitleWidget: move from QPixmap property to QIcon property
Deprecate some KMultiTabBarButton/KMultiTabBarTab API using QPixmap
KMultiTabBarTab: make styleoption state logic follow QToolButton even more
KMultiTabBar: do not display checked buttons in QStyle::State_Sunken
[KCharSelect] Initially give focus to the search lineedit


[xcb] Send correctly scaled icon geometry (bug 407458)


Use kcm_users instead of user_manager
Use new KTitleWidget::icon/iconSize API
Move "Switch Application Language" to Settings menu (bug 177856)

Plasma Framework

Show clearer warning if the requested KCM could not be found
[spinbox] Don't use QQC2 items when we should use PlasmaComponents (bug 423445)
Plasma components: restore lost color control of TabButton label
Introduce PlaceholderMessage
[calendar] Reduce month label's size
[ExpandableListItem] Use same logic for action and arrow button visibility
[Dialog Shadows] Port to KWindowSystem shadows API (bug 416640)
Symlink widgets/plasmoidheading.svgz in breeze light/dark
Fix Kirigami.Units.devicePixelRatio=1.3 when it should be 1.0 at 96dpi
Add property to access the ExpandableListItem loader's item


Deprecate AbstractBarcode::minimumSize() also for the compiler


Explicitly use Kirigami units instead of implicitly using Plasma units
Port job dialogs to Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage


Set selectByMouse to true for SpinBox
Fix menu icons becoming blurry with some font sizes (bug 423236)
Prevent delegates and scrollbar overlapping in combobox popups
Fix Slider vertical implicitWidth and a binding loop
Make ToolTips more consistent with Breeze widget style tooltips
Set editable to true by default for SpinBox
Fix Connections warnings in Menu.qml


Enable UDisks2 backend on FreeBSD unconditionally


Fix "Using QCharRef with an index pointing outside the valid range of a QString"
Restore default auto-detect behavior
Fix default language (bug 398245)


Fix a couple BSD-2-Clause license headers

Syntax Highlighting

CMake: Updates for CMake 3.18
Add Snort/Suricata language highlighting
Add YARA language
remove deprecated binary json in favor of cbor
JavaScript/TypeScript: highlight tags in templates

Security information

The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key:
pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure
Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
