KDE 1583 Published by

David Faure has announced the release of KDE Frameworks 5.85.0.

KDE Frameworks 5.85.0 released

14th August 2021. KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 5.85.0.

KDE Frameworks are 83 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see



Implement a getter for Provider's icon data

Breeze Icons

React to Telegram's new ID and show the Breeze icon
React to Inkscape's new ID and show the Breeze icon (bug 440498)
also add zoom-fit-page symlink for 32px
align look of 22 px zoom-fit-{width,height} icons with others
add zoom-fit-page symlink for 22px
Symlink draw-cuboid to shape-cuboid
Add temperature icons

Extra CMake Modules

[ecmcheckoutboundlicense] Ensure that last source file is always processed
Handle case where zero must be kept
ecm_setup_version: deal with 0-prefixed version values in PROJECT mode
modules/ECMGenerateHeaders.cmake - avoid uninitialized warning
suppress tar errors
FindGperf: support version check
Define NOMINMAX on Windows
Add Find7z & Findgzip
Don't install logging categories files on Android
Handle case where ECM_GLOBAL_FIND_VERSION is undefined
Enable the usage of -Bsymbolic-functions
KDECompilerSettings: add KDE_COMPILERSETTINGS_LEVEL & more settings

KDE Doxygen Tools

do not download KDE accounts file automatically
require Python 3 in CMake
Preprocessing: use tree-walk speedup
Preprocessing: document how to speed up tree-walk a little
Utils: document what causes repopath-lookup failures
Fancyname: look for CMake project() command preceded only by spaces
Accept multi-line 'project(..)' in 'CMakeLists.txt'
Add more dependencies to requirements.txt


Only pkg_check_modules() if PkgConfig is found
Add support for static builds
Use official gzip MIME/Media type application/gzip
Report KArchive_HAVE_ZSTD in CMake Config file to consumers
Deprecate remaining KFilterDev API in favour of KCompressionDevice


Fixup include dir into pkgconfig file
Hide fields, to enforce uniform use of setFieldDirty()
Fix formating in apidoc for free busy
Add ownerChanged signal
Add metadata properties to calendar
Add base class for calendar plugins
More completion field consistency and dirtyness checks
Mark mCompleted as dirty if it changes, and also reset status


Officially specify X-DocPath in the KCModule desktop file definition
Deprecate KCModuleProxy::aboutData
Add overload to pass in args in KCMultiDialog::addModule
Deprecate X-KDE-FactoryName and KCModuleInfo::handle
Deprecate KCMultiDialog::configCommitted(QByteArray) signal
Deprecate KSettings and KCModuleInfo based methods
help:/ urls are already handled by KUrlHandler from KGuiAddons


Unbreak build with gperf < 3.1


KConfig: fix deletion of an entry that is also in kdeglobals
Do not create a vector and a QByteArray just to discard it immediately
Only query for existing config file when it's necessary
Use specific API to compare QByteArrays
Cache global config files


[KCModule] Deprecate ctor that takes KAboutData
Make sure commandbar has unique actions
add icons for all zoom standard actions
KCommandBar update
Show fuzzy matches in command bar
enable auto-switching color scheme for Windows apps when Default color scheme is active
Fix crash when calling KHamburgerMenu::setMenuBar(nullptr)


New class KNetworkMounts: network mounts performance optimizations
PluginMetaData::supportsMimeType(): check for exact matches first
KPluginMetaData: warn if library metadata can't be loaded
Introduce KFileUtils::findAllUniqueFiles method
KTextToHTML: support also irc & ircs URLs
Expose KAboutComponent::version as a property
Deprecate JSON parameter in kcoreaddons_add_plugin
Deprecate KPluginLoader::pluginVersion


Support static builds
fix lifetime of MetadataINIWriter


KDBusService: Pass the activation token upon activation
Add compile time guards round QX11Info usage
Fix DesktopStartup ID handling


Implement aspect ratio correction for Lanczos effect
Introduce Lanczos filter element

KDELibs 4 Support

Port metainfo KIO slave to JSON metadata
Update translatable timezone list


Add a max width to the content

KHolidays #

Update holiday_kz_kk
Update holiday_kz_ru
Update Mexican holidays
Create mu_fr_catholic
Update mu_en, mu_en_islamic


Introduce KIconLoader::hasCustomPalette
[KIconDialog] Revamp UI (bug 401408)


exr: Repair compability with openexr2
exr: Override the actual function signature


Fixes crash in KLauncher::idleTimeout() caused by unblockable destruction of IdleSlave objects (bug 426387)


Fix OOB read in LegacyCodec::decodeFileNameUTF8() if not zero-terminated
KMountPoint: add missing resolving of symlinks when using libmount
Message dialogs: wrap the text (bug 440545)
Explicitly link against KF5::CoreAddons for KPluginFactory
KProcessRunner: Use systemsettings desktop name if it's started
Fix creating thumbnails for items under desktop:/ (bug 438691)
Split KCMs into separate plugins
Fixing allowing caching logic
KPropertiesDialog: consider the "recursive" setting when applying permissions
KPropertiesDialog: fix applying permissions recursively (bug 225658)
kcoredirlister: refactor code to work better with std::set
xdgactivation: Use the provided service instance
[KFilePlacesItem] Don't show capacity bar for iso9660 mounts
KMountPoint: fetch mount options from the mount-flags
KProtocolInfo: don't call KProtocolInfo::archiveMimetypes() on an empty string
Do not translate default names
Fix selecting binaries from component chooser KCM
KMountPoint: use libraries from util-linux in the Linux code path
KUrlNavigator: do not hardcode supported archive formats


[InlineMessage] Correct spacing between close button and action buttons (bug 440604)
[ScrollView] Don't scroll with arrow keys if the view isn't scrollable (bug 439459)
SearchField: Disable predictive text
Introduce hasPlatformMenuBar
Allow to add additional content to the about page
Ensure that icon sizes are consistent for mobile before 5.23
[OverlaySheet] Add title property
Add "Get Involved" URL button to the About Page
SwipeDelegate: Only set the parent as the flickable when the parent is a Flickable
Add dialog-close to list of icons to bundle
Show KAboutComponents in the AboutPage
Add method to push page as a new window on the desktop
Use iconSizes for floating action button
Adjust sidebar item size to account for mobile
Adjust floating action button sizes to account for mobile
Remove x1.5 mobile icon sizing
[apptemplate] Increase Qt and KF5 min versions
Make MnemonicAttached active property writable
Pagepool item and url accessors
Show author/credits task (bug 438442)
Show the app name in the about page title
PageRow can take ownership of a drawer's contents


Rework UploadDialog, add QML version, and a new ProvidersModel
Simplify lookup of knsrc files using KFileUtils::findAllUniqueFiles method
Forward Attica provider icons to KNSCore::Provider
Handle payload-only entries during update operations


Add placeholders for window title and application display name

KPackage Framework

Deprecate kpackage_install_bundled_package cmake function
Reduce severity of warnings about appstream generations
Deprecate implicitly defining X-KDE-ParentApp by parent structure
Introduce new KPackageStructure property to identify plugins & packages
Include a warning when setting the path without a structure


Install private personmanager header


Deprecate RunnerManager::runnerMetaDataList(QString parentApp) method
Deprecate TryExec property for runners
Use KFileUtils::findAllUniqueFiles to locate DBus runners


Network mounts performance optimizations
KateView: speed up large view jumps
ensure close button on top for replace
move close button to right for bottom widgets


Make currency conversion table fetching explicit

KWallet Framework

Don't use gpgme.h


Fix check for mmap failure (bug 421868)


Update some widget pictures
kmimetypeeditor: display an error message if keditfiletype couldn't be started (bug 437701)
Wrapp unisged int getter for rating in KWIDGETSADDONS_BUILD_DEPRECATED_SINCE
Deprecate KRatingWidget::ratingChanged(unsigned int) signal


Support static builds


commandbar: collect actions using the guiFactory (bug 439526)
Fix KShortcutsDialog build
KShortcutsDialog: add another, simpler, constructor


Add find_dependency for QtDBus
Make dependency on QtXml private


Feature: add assigned-mac-address
Expose mDNS configuration used by NM plugins

Oxygen Icons

new color version for notification icon
improved icons from yesterday+ missing resolutions
preferences-desktop-notification-bell icon
kdf icon

Plasma Framework

Don't pointlessly create new KPluginMetaData
Fix Units::roundToIconSize() returning incorrect sizes with non-Qt scaling (bug 381794)
Turn WindowThumbnail into a texture provider
Handle huge icons in Units::roundToIconSize() (bug 356446)
Deprecate plasma/version.h header & contained methods
Add a bit more contrast to event indicator in calendar (bug 437203)
Improve the code of the actions in the plasmoid heading
Theme::currentThemeHasImage should not return true if parent themes match (bug 439847)
Remove x1.5 mobile icon sizing
PlasmoidHeader: re-add backgroundMetrics
PlasmoidHeader: Make it based on T.ToolBar, deprecate location


Support binary content in QR codes
Constrain rendering by the minimum size, not the preferred size


[JobView] Show error when configuration fails to load
Replace xdg-mime invokation with KApplicationTrader
Make sure empty list placeholder has some space around it


Introduce MenuBar implementation
Use flat instead of raised for flat buttons and toolbuttons (bug 438525)
DialogButtonBox: remove unnecessary lines
DialogButtonBox: Set standard icons for standard buttons


Remove the HAL backend; HAL is long gone
Udev client: replace a warning message with a debug one (bug 425178)
Enable bsdisks_extensions from FreeBSD on OpenBSD
Enable OpenBSD UDisk2 support
Port framework away from LGPL-2.0-only


Fix language not being correctly guessed when sentence ends in a dot

Syntax Highlighting

toml.xml: forbid 0_digits in integers
toml.xml: support single-quoted keys
Python: Fix r"\\" and derivatives (bug 440412)
Python: Make unescaped single quote (' or ") strings non-multiline
make update_kate_editor_org bsd compatible
Python: Fix single quote bytes literals (b"") (bug 440089)
cmake.xml: Drop version related `find_package()` vars
cmake.xml: Update variables for `find_package()` interface
cmake.xml: Add CMake 3.21 features
XML: add Attribute Separator style (= in attr="value")
XSLT: Enhance highlighter colors (like XML) + region for tag
Ini: value as int, float or keyword only if it represents the full value
Agda: update keyword list to Agda 2.6.2
XML: fix Python: }} in a f-string as an escape character and add !a flag
systemd unit: update to systemd v249
systemd unit: fix highlighting of unit name
Mark katehighlightingindexer as a non-GUI executable
Disable using QtXMLPatterns with sanitizer build
Indexer: suggest LineContinue instead of RegExpr
move coroutine keywords in controlflow and replace some keyword rule with WordDetect

Security information

The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key:
pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure
Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7 4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB
