Debian 10218 Published by

Klaus Knopper has released a new version of KNOPPIX, a live installation image of Debian 10, with some packages from Debian/testing and unstable (sid) for newer graphics drivers or desktop software packages.


Version 8.6.1 of KNOPPIX is based on → Debian/stable (buster), with some packages from Debian/testing and unstable (sid) for newer graphics drivers or desktop software packages. It uses → Linux kernel 5.3.5 and Xorg 7.7 (core 1.20.4) for supporting current computer hardware.
Kernel Patches: → cloop, → aufs.
Both 32bit and 64bit kernel supporting both old and new computers, the 64bit version also supporting systems with more than 4GB of RAM and chroot to 64-bit installations for system rescue tasks. The bootloader will start the 64bit kernel automatically if a 64bit-capable CPU is detected (if not manually specified otherwise).
For Computers that can only start from CD, not from DVD or USB flash pen, a tiny bootable CD image has been placed in the "KNOPPIX" folder, which can be burned and used together with the full USB or DVD version in order to start on old computers.

8.6.1 Overview:
Updated Kernel and System software (Debian buster+sid),
LXDE, the lightweight Knoppix standard desktop including file manager pcmanfm 1.3.1.
Gnome 3 (Bootoption knoppix64 desktop=gnome).
KDE 5 (knoppix64 desktop=kde).
Accessible → Adriane Audio Desktop.
Wine 4.0 prerelease for directly installing and running Windows applications on Linux, also Windows 10.
Qemu-kvm 3.1 as scriptable virtualization solution.
Privacy-enhanced tor browser, upgradeable and startable via the Knoppix-menu.
Web-Browser Chromium 76.0.3809.100, Firefox 69.0.2 with ad blocker Ublock Origin and Noscript.
Libre Office 6.3.3-rc1, Gimp 2.10.8.
Maths/Algebra-Software for teachers, solving equations etc.: Maxima 5.42.1 with direct integration of Maxima sessions into Texmacs, creating documentation directly during live lessions.
3D Productivity-Software Blender 2.79.b, Freecad 0.18, Meshlab 1.3.2, Open Scad 2015.03 (→ Bugs) for 3D Prototyping, Slic3r 1.3 for layering 3D prints.
Virtualization and Container functions for experimenting: "Knoppix in Knoppix - KVM" (fully virtualized), "Knoppix in Docker" (integrated 64bit Docker environment), "Knoppix in Chroot" (builds a chroot container by symlinks)
Video editing & Productivity: kdenlive 18.12.3, openshot 2.4.3, photofilmstrip 3.7.1, obs-studio 22.0.3
Mediathekview 13.2.1
OwnCloud 2.5.1 and NextCloud 2.5.1 Clients
E-Book Manager calibre 3.39.1
Game Engine godot3 3.0.6
Audio/Video transcoder: RipperX 2.8.0, Handbrake 1.2.2,
UpnP-Streaming: gerbera 1.1.0
Automatic resizing of the Overlay-Partition without Reboot (!) even after 1:1 copying to USB flash disk (see → Hybrid Partition Layout),
Remastering-Option when copying to USB flash disk by flash-knoppix,
Terminator (Terminal-Emulator with many features),
→ support for UEFI Secure Boot

KNOPPIX 8.6.1 Public Release