Debian 10370 Published by

The following updates has been released for Debian GNU/Linux:

Debian GNU/Linux 7 LTS:
DLA 1241-1: libkohana2-php security update

Debian GNU/Linux 8 and 9:
DSA 4086-1: libxml2 security update

DLA 1241-1: libkohana2-php security update

Package : libkohana2-php
Version : 2.3.4-2+deb7u1
CVE ID : CVE-2016-10510

David Sopas discovered that Kohana, a PHP framework, was vulnerable to
a Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack that allowed remote attackers to
inject arbitrary web script or HTML by bypassing the strip_image_tags
protection mechanism in system/classes/Kohana/Security.php. This issue
was resolved by permanently removing the strip_image_tags function.
Users are advised to sanitize user input by using external libraries

For Debian 7 "Wheezy", these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your libkohana2-php packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:

DSA 4086-1: libxml2 security update

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-4086-1 Salvatore Bonaccorso
January 13, 2018
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Package : libxml2
CVE ID : CVE-2017-15412
Debian Bug : 883790

Nick Wellnhofer discovered that certain function calls inside XPath
predicates can lead to use-after-free and double-free errors when
executed by libxml2's XPath engine via an XSLT transformation.

For the oldstable distribution (jessie), this problem has been fixed
in version 2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u6.

For the stable distribution (stretch), this problem has been fixed in
version 2.9.4+dfsg1-2.2+deb9u2.

We recommend that you upgrade your libxml2 packages.

For the detailed security status of libxml2 please refer to its security
tracker page at:

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: