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The following two security updates has been released for Debian: [DSA 2843-1] graphviz security update and [DSA 2842-1] libspring-java security update

[DSA 2843-1] graphviz security update
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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2843-1 Salvatore Bonaccorso
January 13, 2014
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Package : graphviz
Vulnerability : buffer overflow
Problem type : local (remote)
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2014-0978 CVE-2014-1236
Debian Bug : 734745

Two buffer overflow vulnerabilities were reported in Graphviz, a rich
collection of graph drawing tools. The Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures project identifies the following issues:


It was discovered that user-supplied input used in the yyerror()
function in lib/cgraph/scan.l is not bound-checked before beeing
copied into an insufficiently sized memory buffer. A
context-dependent attacker could supply a specially crafted input
file containing a long line to cause a stack-based buffer overlow,
resulting in a denial of service (application crash) or potentially
allowing the execution of arbitrary code.


Sebastian Krahmer reported an overflow condition in the chkNum()
function in lib/cgraph/scan.l that is triggered as the used regular
expression accepts an arbitrary long digit list. With a specially
crafted input file, a context-dependent attacker can cause a
stack-based buffer overflow, resulting in a denial of service
(application crash) or potentially allowing the execution of
arbitrary code.

For the oldstable distribution (squeeze), these problems have been fixed in
version 2.26.3-5+squeeze2.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in
version 2.26.3-14+deb7u1.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you upgrade your graphviz packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:
[DSA 2842-1] libspring-java security update
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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2842-1 Markus Koschany
January 13, 2014
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Package : libspring-java
Vulnerability : denial of service
Problem type : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2013-4152
Debian Bug : 720902

Alvaro Munoz discovered a XML External Entity (XXE) injection in the
Spring Framework which can be used for conducting CSRF and DoS attacks
on other sites.

The Spring OXM wrapper did not expose any property for disabling entity
resolution when using the JAXB unmarshaller. There are four possible
source implementations passed to the unmarshaller:


For a DOMSource, the XML has already been parsed by user code
and that code is responsible for protecting against XXE.

For a StAXSource, the XMLStreamReader has already been created
by user code and that code is responsible for protecting
against XXE.

For SAXSource and StreamSource instances, Spring processed
external entities by default thereby creating this

The issue was resolved by disabling external entity processing
by default and adding an option to enable it for those users
that need to use this feature when processing XML from a
trusted source.

It was also identified that Spring MVC processed user provided
XML with JAXB in combination with a StAX XMLInputFactory
without disabling external entity resolution. External entity
resolution has been disabled in this case.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed in
version 3.0.6.RELEASE-6+deb7u1.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 3.0.6.RELEASE-10.

We recommend that you upgrade your libspring-java packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: